Tuesday 8 November 2011

Posting in Selayang Hospital

After the Deepavali 1 week, holiday we're sent to Selayang hospital. Here, I was assigned to the medical ward. Mainly are elders and this is Man's ward. OMG! I dont know what to say bcoz we have to clean them, feed them and so on. The doctors are cute (male doctors) and the wad sister's nice to me EXCEPT FOR OUR Clinical Instructor (C.I)!!! She's like a witch!! Cruel. Not a single smile on her face. Pilih Kasih and what arh? Too many kejahatan that she makes me crazy everytime i see her. Sometimes she's ok. Depends on her mood lah. These girls called her 'nenek sihir'. hahaha And I know she doesnt really like me. So what? I have my own life. The doctors liked me, the staff nurse and the ward sisters. They'l teach me and give me something to do to help them. And I'm happy to work with them. Especially when something funny happen that once I 'tergelek' the doctor's feet with the patients's bed.. hahaha.. Till 4 times!!! OMG~~ Now, I just feel like want to run away when I see him. hahaha. But, he seems to like me. He makes jokes and i dont know. Fooling around. Doctor also got yang perangai macam aku ni. see. Bukan aku sorang ja yang gila macam ni.. hahaha..

 Oklah. dah banyak cakap ni. tapi tak habis lagi. Nanti i sambung in thje next post. I hav to prepare for posting.. Meet that psycho doctor again.. hahaha. bye now..

^^ Love you..

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